Before doing any work lay down dust sheets, cover skirting boards with painters tape to protect them and cover any furniture. What is the best way to wallpaper new plaster?Īs we mentioned before the new plaster needs to be completely dry, but it also needs to be smooth. If you are using diluted wallpaper paste it is best to put up any wallpaper within a day or two. Whatever method you use you will need to leave for two or three hours before you either need to apply another coat – which you rarely need to do – or you can start wallpapering.

All of these will help seal the plaster ready for wallpapering. Or you can apply a mist coat which is a method used when painting new plaster.Alternatively, you can use a wall sealer such as Solvite Wall Sealer.You can dilute wallpaper paste and apply by adding a couple of extra litres of water to the recommended mix solution. For example, a typical mix for normal wallpaper and lining paper is 7 litres per sachet.There are a few options that you can use to size the new plaster: To make sure that this doesn’t happen you need to apply size directly to the wall.

If you paste wallpaper and try to put it up without sizing/sealing, the wallpaper will almost instantly stick and stay in position, making it very difficult to move into position. New plaster soaks up liquid, which makes it very difficult to put up wallpaper without treating the plaster. Sizing is the process of sealing new plaster, and is another term for priming or sealing. (Image credit: Luke Arthur Wells) What Is sizing and how long after sizing can I wallpaper?